Striving towards inclusive environmental solutions.
Climate change threatens every living thing on Earth. It’s time we make climate solutions that work for all.
Our mission is to mentor and train the next generation of climate leaders through sharing experience and knowledge.
Welcome to The Inclusive Environment.
My name is Brandon Rothrock (pronouns: he/him/his), a queer geographer and sustainability generalist. I am currently a first-year Geography PhD student at The Ohio State University and a Board Member for OUT for Sustainability, a queer-run and volunteer-led nonprofit dedicated to co-producing environmental justice and climate resilience for and by LGBTQ+ communities. Prior to Ohio State, I was an Assistant Program Manager of Energy Efficiency for TRC Companies, Inc. and an Alumni Engagement Manager for the Climate Corps team at Environmental Defense Fund. Over my career, I have held multiple jobs in academia, nonprofits, and private corporations, and have completed environmental fellowships with organizations such as Citizens’ Climate Lobby, The Rachel Carson Council, Sustainable Jersey, and Environmental Defense Fund. My academic interests are in queer and feminist geography, disability studies, rural studies, environmental justice, climate change, and climate adaptation and resilience, which have bled into all aspects of my work. I received a B.S. in Geography and minors in Climatology and Sustainability Leadership from the Pennsylvania State University in 2018, and a M.A. in Geography and a Graduate Certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies from West Virginia University in 2021.
Feel free to browse my Publications, Research, and About pages to learn more.
Interested in an environmentally-focused career but don’t know where to start? Check out our list of beginner resources.
Our list of people to follow, articles, podcasts, job boards, and fellowship opportunities will make any job search easier.
Want more personalized, one-to-one help? Schedule a free mentoring session.
I have met and networked with dozens of sustainable leaders to provide insider tips and tricks for young professionals and college students looking for their next opportunity. Whether you’re in need of line-by-line editing on your resume, interested in applying to fellowships such as EDF Climate Corps or just want to chat casually about your future career, I am here to help.
“Brandon's compassion, positive energy, and motivation shine through in the way he shows up and leads. He has opened up new doors, interests, and opportunities for me over the years as a mentor and a friend. Brandon is incredibly knowledgeable, passionate, and has a genuine desire to see people do their best.”
— Whitney Ashead, Social Impact Partnerships Manager at Hungry Harvest